Sunday, November 17, 2013

Flat Responsive WooCommerce Theme

Flat Responsive WooCommerce Theme - WooCommerce eCommerce

Responsive WooCommerce Theme with incredible User Experience

Flatsome is a beautiful responsive theme inspired by modern eCommerce designs.
We’re a WooCommerce-only company that loves eCommerce and WordPress. We want your shop to look amazing and be loved by your customers!

Flatsome Overview

  • WordPress 3.6+ Ready
  • WooCommerce 2.04 Ready
  • WPML Ready (.po files included)
  • SEO Optimized
  • Online Documentation –
  • Supports Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE8+
  • Easy Updates using Envato WordPress Toolkit
  • Child Theme included
  • Demo content included! (xml file)
  • Catalog Mode Option
  • PSD files and assets included
  • SCSS files included! (Powered by Foundation CSS Framework)

Support and pre-sale questions

Feel free to email If you have any pre-sale questions or need help installing your theme.

Flatsome Features

  • Mobile friendly and responsive design
  • Touch optimized Sliders and Banners
  • Beautiful CSS animated banners
  • Upload Custom logo and Custom Shopping Cart icon
  • Easy to customize look and feel.
  • Create unlimited forms (optional plugin).
  • Built-in Google fonts. 500+ Web Fonts Support with Preview
  • Boxed or Wide Layout Option
  • Unlimited Sidebars and Widget Areas
  • Product page with Tabs- or Sections-style
  • Wishlist / like feature included (optional plugin)
  • Sticky header for quick navigation (optional)
  • Beautiful Custom Checkout design
  • Live search for products! (optional plugin)
  • Built-in Quick View feature
  • Pre-defined Responsive and animated banners
  • Beautiful Pinterest style Shortcode
  • Unlimited Sidebars and Widget Areas (WooSidebars)
  • Dummy Content Available
  • Easy to use Theme Options Panel
  • Pre-Defined Page Layouts ready to be used
  • Fully Customizable Homepage using shortcodes
  • Custom Login / Register Page
  • Google Maps Shortcode
  • Slide anything.
  • NEW: Portfolio style pages ( Demo )
  • NEW: Parallax effect on UX Banners ( Demo )
  • NEW (1.3): Catalog mode option! Hide Shopping functionality and prices. (Demo)
  • NEW (1.4): Facebook login (Optional plugin)
  • NEW (1.4): Left and right sidebar option on product pages

What our customers are making: | | | | | | |

Feedback from customers

I’ve bought many Wordpress and WooCommerce themes over the years, but this one is the best so far for cool design and lots of in-built features. Author is quick to respond to support requests via their support email address. Highly recommended by me! austinruddy
Highly recommended by me as well. My site is up and it was a pleasure to work with the “Blocks” post type. Really cool feature. profivideos
Just wanted to say a quick thank you for building such an excellent theme. I’ve used quite a few and this one is by far the easiest to use, most flexible and your support has been fantastic. digitaldiva77


 ----- 1.6.2 ---- FIX: IE11 / IE10 layout bug FIX: Small css issues. ----- 1.6 ---- NEW: Merged search results. Search products, pages and blog posts from search. Activate in Theme Option > Category Page. NEW: Added effects="" to [ux_banner]. Try effect="snow". NEW: Added LinkedIn and YouTube in to [follow] shortcode NEW: Added size="small" to [follow] shortcode. NEW: PSD of homepage FIX: Various CSS styling issues FIX: Updated JS libaries to latest version. FIX: Search position in header for Wide Nav option. FIX: Now integrates with Sensei plugin. FIX: Quantity box problems FIX: Problems with Tabs and product sliders FIX: Problems with Facebook, Pinterest, twitter sharing. FIX: Various small fixes FIX: Bug with 3-4th level menu items in dropdown FIX: IE11 & IE8 problems 
 ----- 1.5 (21/10/13) ------- NEW: Full width Main navigation option! NEW: Facebook login button Shortcode [facebook_login_button text="" size=""] NEW: Facebook login on checkout option NEW: Light/dark main content text option. NEW: Change background color of main content. NEW: Change products per row in product grid NEW: Change products per page in Theme Option. NEW: Flatsome Upsell Widget (Add to product page sidebar etc). NEW: Added arrows to product thumbnail slider if there is more than 4 thumbnails. NEW: Added "target" tag to [button]. FIX: Quantity buttons now looks good in all browsers FIX: Fixed some weird stuff happening with ux_slider FIX: Removed UP and DOWN arrow from Quantity. Enough with + and -. FIX: Additional line in section style product page removed. FIX: Blurred images in product grid. FIX: Shortcodes now works in additional product tab. FIX: Search widget now search blog and pages, and not only products FIX: [team_member] icons. FIX: Sale bubble now supports longer text. FIX: Various CSS fixes. 
 ----- 1.4 (01/10/13) ----- NEW FEATURE: Facebook Login/Register NEW FEATURE: 3-column product page. Left or Right sidebar. NEW OPTION: Google plus, instagram andd RSS added to [follow] shortcode NEW OPTION: Google plus added to [share] NEW OPTION: Disable Google fonts NEW OPTION: Enable share icons on blog FIX: Various CSS fixes. FIX: 100% compitable with YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier. ( FIX: Author box can now be removed from blog. FIX: Some pages breaks in IE and Firefox. 
 ----- 1.3.1 (14/09/13) ----- FIX: Bug in Header html. FIX: Custom color for paginations and buttons now works FIX: Editing Child Theme CSS now works. 
 ----- 1.3 (13/09/13) ----- NEW FEATURE: Catalog mode option! Remove Shopping functionality / hide prices. NEW OPTION: Change font size on shop breadcrumb (optional) NEW OPTION: Option to remove My Account / Login link from header NEW OPTION: Change position on search. Left/Right or hidden. NEW OPTION: Option to remove 'Home' from shop breadcrumb. CHANGED: Logo is no longer a H1 tag. FIX: Removing the top bar now works. FIX: Fixed issues with SEO plugins creating duplicated content. FIX: Removed /shop/ from category breadcrumb. This can be enabled in Settings > Permalinks FIX: Fixed langauge localization file with "Quick View" and "Complete the look" texts. FIX: Pinterest shortcode now works properly. FIX: Added link to product on product title inside Quick View. FIX: "My Account" custom page template is now 100% Secure. FIX: Various CSS fixes. 
 ----- 1.2.1 (09/09/13) ----- FIX: Left and Right sidebar template now works properly. FIX: Small CSS fixes 
 ----- 1.2 (08/09/13) ----- NEW FEATURE: Featured item Post type (Portfolio style) Optional plugin. NEW FEATURE: New Parallax option for UX Banners! [ux_banner parallax="1"] NEW FEATURE: Blank landing page template (no logo, and no footer) FIX: Fixed various bugs with [ux_slider] shortcode. FIX: Header background image now works. FIX: Various CSS and JS fixes. FIX: Blocks shortcode now visible in Blocks post list. 
 ----- 1.1 (05/09/13) ------ NEW FEATURE: Change blog layout (Sidebar right, Sidebar left, No sidebar) FIX: Customers now redirects to homepage when user logging out. FIX: Error message display bug FIX: CSS for IE8 now loads properly. FIX: Various CSS improvements. FIX: Various mobile CSS fixes. FIX: Various fixes for iPad/Tablet portrait mode. FIX: Pinterest grid now works properly FIX: Google Rich snippets now works (Review stars in google search results) 
 ----- 1.0 (03/09/13) ----- Initial release 


Flatsome use Shortcodes to create layouts and page designs. You should be familiar with how to use shortcodes before you purchase this theme.

Product images or images used in sliders and banner examples are not included in this theme

Background textures and payment icons are included!

The Language dropdown example is for demo purpose only. Language files are not included!

Known bugs

Parallax doesn't work on sliders in Safari. Will be fixed in next release 

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