Friday, August 2, 2013

Justshop - Cake,Bakery,Drinks Shop Wordpress Theme

Justshop - Cake,Bakery,Drinks Shop Wordpress Theme - WooCommerce eCommerce

JustShop – Beautiful Wordpress and Woocommerce Theme for bakery , food and drinks

JustShop is a beautiful, modern, stylish wordpress theme template. It was designed for bakery business initially, but thanks to its robustness that it can be used in any kind of business where color, creativity, appearance is important.

Key Points about Justshop

  • 3 Header styles Demo1 | Demo2 | Demo3
  • Very well documented Check docs before you buy
  • Ajax Product loading, Ajax product filtering
  • Regularly Updated, see ‘Changelog’ on bottom
  • Dedicated Multi-tier Support
  • Replicate demo website within minutes (Please check ‘Notes’ on bottom)
responsive cakes pastries woocommerce food shop template restaurant wordpress pizza shop template

This template is suitable for All desserts, cakes, food, pastry, bakery, sweets, chocolates, pizza, icecream, shakes, juice, wine, coffee, food, drinks and other similar nature of business.

Justshop theme designed and coded to make it easy for end user. Most of things you can control from admin panel. Its also naturally responsive. That means it fits to width of available device. The Shop pages are styled for 2,3,4,5 columns so you can decide to have as many column as you want.

Full WPML ready (translate easily)

WPML ready woocommerce

Justshop is completely compatible with WPML certified by , check it out here. Also PO and MO files are included as well for easy translation without wpml plugin too.

Revolution Slider include(value $15)

Revolution Slider woocommerce

One of the most advanced and easy to use Revolution Slider is included with the theme. Create any kind of slider with just mouse clicks. Documentation for revolution slider is included too.

Robust Theme Options Panel

Robust Theme Options Panel

Justshop comes with easy to understand and pleasant theme options panel. You can almost configure/change anything with just few mouse clicks.
It also provides features of importing/exporting theme settings so you never loose settings when you update/migrate.

Beautiful Pricing Tables

Beautiful Pricing Tables

The theme comes packed with 12 beautiful Pricing tables. Pricing tables are configurable as well and are very easy to setup using visual pricing table builder and shortcode generator.
Flexible structure, Ribbons, import/export tables, clone tables are few of the features.

Inbuilt Menu-card (or Price catalog)

Inbuilt Menu-card

Justshop also comprises Menucard feature. Its easy to create menu card items with the custom post type and a flexible shortcode included to showcase your items and prices. You can also use it as a one page display of products with their prices.

Solid Woocommerce Integration

Solid Woocommerce Integration

Justshop is very tightly integrated with woocommerce. It also provides flexibility for your specific needs. Want shop page without sidebar or with 2 column/3 column/4 column/5 column or may be a ‘call for price’ store? No problem!

Useful Custom Post Types

Custom Post Types

To make it easy to build your website, Justshop contains useful custom post types. It helps you create your content easily and have them stand alone from others.

Visual Shortcodes

Visual Shortcodes

Justshop is packed with many many shortcodes and with a javascript based shortcode editor. You never need to remember any shortcode or its parameters. Just point, click and done.

SEO Optimized

SEO Optimized

We understand its important to rank higher in search engines for any kind of business. Thats why theme has been made SE friendly by using proper heading tags, clean html, proper meta tags, integration and so on.

Intelligent Integration

Intelligent Integration

The products page has smartly done integration. Due to this Star ratings and other info display directly in google search results. It increases more chance for search engine visitor to land the page with larger degree of interest, as he already knows the product details/prices etc so no surprises for him after coming to website… results in less bounce rate and more conversion.

Multi usage possibility

Multi usage possibility

Justshop themes comes with alot of features that it can be molded to many kind of niches.
Do not want website to resize on mobile, or want to turn off cart ? no problem, only a click away.
Also its child theme friendly, you can override any function in child theme, so go ahead and edit core functions easily.


What can I say, not only is this theme fantastic to look at, its features are perfect.

For the price, this is a real bargain and the support it comes with is second to none.

Highly rated in every way, thank you Templatation!
DeeKay87, on item Justshop

Awesome theme! It is really what I was looking for and also the documentation is very good! It is realy worth buying and if you are looking for a WooCommerce theme for your food business it is the best out there! Also, the (customer) service is the best I have ever seen so far on Themeforest!
Kind Regards, Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson, on item Justshop


Justshop comes with 3 layouts of header. Layouts are very easy to switch from Themeoptions-> Layout. You can check the layouts in demo all 3 looks awesome

JustShop Wordpress Theme Full Features List:
  • Beautiful Design
  • 3 Awesome Layouts
  • 5 Gorgeous colors
  • Fully Responsive
  • Revolution Slider included ($15 value)
  • Highly Customizable Homepage
  • White label admin panel
  • Powerful admin panel Demo image
  • 12 Custom Page Templates
    • Archive
    • Blog
    • Contact us
    • Custom Homepage
    • Image Gallery
    • Full Width
    • Portfolio one col
    • Portfolio two col
    • Portfolio Three col
    • Sitemap
    • Tags
    • Timeline
  • Powerful Admin panel
  • SEO Friendly
  • 5 Custom Widgets
    • Adspace
    • Flickr
    • Blog Author Info
    • Embed/video
    • Subscribe/Connect
  • Custom post types implementation
    • Cakes/Portfolio
    • Testimonial
  • Filterable Cakes/Portfolio section
  • AJAX Auto loading of products(can be turned of)
  • Font awesome integration
  • Sliding Testimonials
  • 500+ Google fonts integration with theme styler(change font/color of any text you want)
  • Change/preview all fonts from admin
  • Filterable Cakes/Portfolio section
  • Many Shortcodes with visual shortcode interface
    • Buttons
    • Info Boxes
    • Related Posts
    • Rule/divider
    • Columns
    • Quote
    • Icon Link
    • Custom Lists
    • Typography
    • Tabs
    • Content Toggle
    • Social Icons
    • Contact Form
    • Twitter buttons
    • Other Social buttons
  • Theme settings backup import/export
  • Demo content included
  • Translation Ready(.PO/.mo files included)/ Ready made translations coming soon.
  • Clean/well commented Coding
  • Threaded Comments
  • Third level menu
  • Automatic native image resizing
  • Custom Headline and headling text for each page/post/product. Hightlight any text you want.
  • Inbuilt contact us form with validations/gmap integration
  • PSD included of important pages
  • Frequent updates
  • Well Documented
  • Dedicated Support
  • And much more …

Download zip contains:

  • Justshop wordpress theme
  • PSD of important pages
  • Demo data files for wordpress, theme options, pricing table, Layout2 slider
  • Detailed Documentation (for theme, slider, pricing table)
  • Blank child theme


  • New features are added on regular basis, please check back regularly.
  • Template is very well supported, if you have any question, feel free to contact using profile page form.
  • Images used in demo were bought from Fotolia, depositphotos etc. Demo xml contains images too from v2.5, but those images are different from demo website images and from Flickr creative commons, credits to original author of those images included in demo xml as well.

Release History:

v2.66 Date: 29 July 2013
 - Added : Ability to disable footer showcase area - Fixed : some style problem on mobile if homepage content section is enabled. - Fixed : <!--more--> issue from homepage content. - Fixed : Enabled lightbox on default wp gallery shortcode. - Improved : Other very minor adjustments. - Improved : Heavy modification in Documentation. 
v2.65 Date: 18 July 2013
 Fixed: Various column widths for shop Fixed: Many styles for small screens ie improved responsiveness Fixed: Content section Post display issue in homepage template Improved: Styled all generic widgets for homepage sidebar Improved: Homepage loop widget styles 
v2.61 Date: 11 July 2013
 Fixed: Double occurance of Upsell products Fixed: Social media icons for footer Improved: The slider/Hero area function Improved: Dropdown/select styles 
v2.6 Date: 9 July 2013
 Added: List/Grid view on shop pages Added: Custom tab support for woocommerce Fixed: Styles for AJAX layered navigation Improved: Social Icons Improved: Styled dropdown and other minor appearance improvements 
v2.51 Date: 4 July 2013
 Fixed: Thumb size in woocommerce widgets Fixed: About-box width if testimonials are turned off Fixed: Body background style override problem 
v2.5 Date: 3 July 2013
 Fixed: Twitter API update problem. Fixed: Few styling issues. Added: ajax filtering products on shop page. Added: sidebar navigation. Added: zoom magnifier on products detail page. Added: Unique Hero area slider/image possibility on single post/pages/products. Modified: Beautified product single page. Modified: Revolution slider updated to its latest version. 
v2.02 Date: 12 June 2013
 Fixed: Permission bug on activation. Fixed: Footer widgets stying issues in alt. colors. 
v2.01 Date: 11 June 2013
 Fixed: Minor mistake in v2.0 submission. 
v2.0 Date: 10 June 2013
 Added: Pricing tables/Teams/Our cakes sections. Added: Menucard system. Added: Optio to disable responsive-ness. Added: Catalog only mode(on/off). Added: Menucard system. Fixed: Some styling bugs. 
v1.2 Date: 25 May 2013
 Added: Added 4 more colors (total 5 colors now). Added: WPML full support. Fixed: Minor woocommerce textdomain conflict. Fixed: Some styling bugs. Fixed: Some PHP notices. 
v1.11 Date: 23 May 2013
 Added: PSDs of important pages. Fixed: Small bugs on contact, cart page. 
v1.0 Date: 22 May 2013 Initial Release

All Images used in demo are from and are not part of the package.

tags: Justcakes, bakery wordpress theme , cakeshop wordpress theme

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